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GDPR (Data Protection)

 Registration is closed for this event
Are you confused about the new GDPR (data protection) laws? Do you know what your organisation needs to do? HVA is hosting a free GDPR workshop for any charities, community groups or social enterprises that operate in Hastings.

Are you confused about the new GDPR (data protection) laws? Do you know what your organisation needs to do? HVA is hosting a free GDPR workshop for any charities, community groups or social enterprises that operate in Hastings.


Sep 17, 2024 from  2:00 PM to  3:30 PM
Jackson Hall
Portland Place
Hastings, TN34 1QN
United Kingdom


Mr Hastings and St Leonards invites you to hear about the exciting Baton of Hope Tour that is coming to Hastings on Tuesday 23rd September 2025.
Explore how you can collaborate and get involved in this exciting event to raise awareness and tackle the stigma surrounding suicide. Together we can raise awareness of suicide and enable those affected by suicide to tell their stories, making a difference for those in Hastings and St leonards. Join us for the afternoon for activities, discussion , planning and fun. Light refreshments will be available.

6 Bank Buildings
19 November 2:00PM
To 19 November 5:00PM

Join Mr Hastings and St Leonards to celebrate International Men's Day
Film Screening's of local men's films :
Men Dont Talk ?
Take Action Man
A Band of Brothers
Followed by Question and Answer Session

Stade Hall
20 November 6:00PM
To 20 November 9:00PM

Organisations that have a focus on staff wellbeing improve their employees’ overall health and increase workplace performance. Employers that invest in Wellbeing at Work Schemes have less absenteeism and create a positive workplace culture.
Come to our event to hear about the experiences of organisations that have already signed up to Wellbeing at Work Schemes and their work towards an accredited Wellbeing at Work Award. You will learn how you can become a Wellbeing at Work Champion for your organisation. We are keen to hear your suggestions for information that would be useful to put in a Staff Wellness Handbook and a Wellness at Work Plan for staff.

Hastings Center
21 November 9:30AM
To 21 November 1:00PM

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