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Hastings Food Network: Climate Literacy Training

This training event will focus on Net-Zero and the Climate Crisis with a particular emphasis on food security.

Hastings Food Network are hosting free Climate Literacy training, run by Community Energy South.

If you or your organisation would like to take more positive action on climate change then come and join us at this training event to acquire an in-depth knowledge of Net-Zero and the Climate Crisis with a particular emphasis on food security.

The training explores key topics around climate change and looks at locally based energy solutions including:

  • Cause and effect of climate change
  • Opportunities to be part of the solution to climate change
  • Formulation of action plans for your organisation 

A vegan lunch/refreshments* will be provided and all participants will be issued with a certificate of Carbon Literacy on completion of the training.

(*A study by the University of Oxford found that cutting meat and dairy products from your diet could reduce an individual's carbon footprint from food by up to 73%).

Feb 13, 2025 from 10:00 AM to  5:00 PM
Central Hall
Bank Buildings
Station Road
Hastings, TN34 1NG
United Kingdom


Loneliness Matters Workshop - Delivered by East Sussex Tackling Loneliness Programme, this interactive workshop will promote shared learning about loneliness & why ‘loneliness matters’- including-
• Definition of ‘loneliness’ & how it differs from ‘social isolation’
• Recognising loneliness in yourself & others & challenges in talking about loneliness
• Theory and psychology of loneliness- consider the causes & risk factors - personal characteristics & circumstances
• The symptoms & effects of loneliness & impact of loneliness on individuals
• What helps to tackle, reduce & prevent loneliness
• Next steps to support you in tackling loneliness in your community.
A light vegan lunch will be provided.

Jackson Hall
22 January 10:00AM
To 22 January 1:00PM

The aim of this course is to introduce you to legislation regarding equality and diversity and explore the concept of inclusion.
The objectives:
• To understand the Equality Act and how it affects volunteers
• To explore what is meant by equality and diversity
• To be able to put into use ‘inclusion’ in support that is provided
• How to reduce isolation and promote inclusion

Jackson Hall
5 February 10:00AM
To 5 February 12:30PM

The aims: To raise awareness of what adult abuse and how to raise a concern
The objectives:
• To introduce the legislation regarding safeguarding adults
• To understand the different forms of abuse and recognise signs
• To know how to react and what to do if someone discloses abuse

Jackson Hall
12 February 10:00AM
To 12 February 12:30PM

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