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Professional Boundaries Awareness

The aims: To give guidance to understand professional boundaries and duty of care, and emotional resilience to stress The objectives: • To give practical guidance on professional boundaries • To appreciate the difference between friendship and supporting someone as a volunteer • To explore the difference between professional, personal, legislative and policies or codes of conduct in relation to volunteers

The aims: To give guidance to understand professional boundaries and duty of care, and emotional resilience to stress
The objectives:
•    To give practical guidance on professional boundaries
•    To appreciate the difference between friendship and supporting someone as a volunteer 
•    To explore the difference between professional, personal, legislative and policies or codes of conduct in relation to volunteers


Mar 19, 2025 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Jackson Hall
Portland Place
Hastings, TN34 1QN
United Kingdom


Are you new in post or keen to find out more about the sector? This workshop, led by HVA Director Steve Manwaring, will include a briefing about the scale and contribution of the VCSE sector in Hastings, information about the services HVA provide, and an opportunity to hear about and discuss the key issues affecting the sector.

Jackson Hall
24 February 2:00PM
To 24 February 3:00PM

This meeting will focus on older people and food resilience.

Central Hall
27 February 1:30PM
To 27 February 3:00PM

The aims: To be introduced to legislation regarding health and safety and appreciate the link between risk, assessment of risk and positive support for individual.

The objectives:
• To be introduced to health and safety legislation
• To know how to find access information regarding H & S
• To understand an individual’s responsibility to adhere to health and safety precautions
• To appreciate the importance of risk assessment to meet health and safety requirements

Jackson Hall
28 February 10:00AM
To 28 February 12:30PM

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