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Hastings Ageing Network April meeting

We will focus on Accessibility, plus discuss plans for Loneliness Awareness Week.

Our monthly meeting for organisations and individuals working with/for older people locally. We always welcome new partners at the Ageing Network meetings, so if you know of anyone working with older people, or are simply in contact with older people who are keen to have a voice on issues related to ageing, then do invite them to connect to the network.

For this meeting we will focus on Accessibility, plus discuss plans for Loneliness Awareness Week.

Apr 17, 2025 from  1:30 PM to  3:00 PM
Central Hall
Bank Buildings
Station Road
Hastings, TN34 1NG
United Kingdom


A brief introduction to Trauma Based Practice
"Individual trauma results from an event, series of events, or set of circumstances that is experienced by an individual as physically or emotionally harmful or life threatening and that has lasting adverse effects on the individual's functioning and mental, physical, social, emotional, or spiritual well-being."
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

In this course we will look at:
• The estimated numbers of children and adults who experience trauma in the UK
• How previous trauma can influence present behaviour
• The key principles of a trauma informed approach

This course is only meant as an introduction, however you will be given material and further links to explore this subject in more detail.

Jackson Hall
26 March 10:00AM
To 26 March 12:30PM

Join us for the first Connecting the Connectors coffee morning.

Central Hall
27 March 10:30AM
To 27 March 12:00PM

The aim: To discuss a local response to the Government’s call for evidence to help shape the National Cancer Plan
Who should attend: People with lived experience of cancer, cancer champions, health professionals and service providers who work with people who are affected by cancer.
‘This call for evidence will inform the development of the government’s national cancer plan for England. Rather than a formal consultation on specific proposals, it constitutes a request for expert ideas and evidence that the government can build on’
Light lunch and networking from 1pm
Introductions and any updates 1.30 – 2pm
Facilitated discussion – 2pm – 4pm

Central Hall
1 April 1:00PM
To 1 April 4:00PM

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