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HCN Open Mic & Marketplace Networking Event

This is an opportunity to share information about your work, learn about a range of services that are delivered in Hastings, browse the Marketplace and network with a mix of people from the voluntary, statutory and independent sector.

This is an opportunity to share information about your work, learn about a range of services that are delivered in Hastings, browse the Marketplace and network with a mix of people from the voluntary, statutory and independent sector.

Apr 03, 2025 from  9:30 AM to  1:30 PM
Central Hall
Bank Buildings
Station Road
Hastings, TN34 1NG
United Kingdom


Loneliness Matters Workshop - Delivered by East Sussex Tackling Loneliness Programme, this interactive workshop will promote shared learning about loneliness & why ‘loneliness matters’- including-
• Definition of ‘loneliness’ & how it differs from ‘social isolation’
• Recognising loneliness in yourself & others & challenges in talking about loneliness
• Theory and psychology of loneliness- consider the causes & risk factors - personal characteristics & circumstances
• The symptoms & effects of loneliness & impact of loneliness on individuals
• What helps to tackle, reduce & prevent loneliness
• Next steps to support you in tackling loneliness in your community.
A light vegan lunch will be provided.

Jackson Hall
22 January 10:00AM
To 22 January 1:00PM

The aim of this course is to introduce you to legislation regarding equality and diversity and explore the concept of inclusion.
The objectives:
• To understand the Equality Act and how it affects volunteers
• To explore what is meant by equality and diversity
• To be able to put into use ‘inclusion’ in support that is provided
• How to reduce isolation and promote inclusion

Jackson Hall
5 February 10:00AM
To 5 February 12:30PM

The aims: To raise awareness of what adult abuse and how to raise a concern
The objectives:
• To introduce the legislation regarding safeguarding adults
• To understand the different forms of abuse and recognise signs
• To know how to react and what to do if someone discloses abuse

Jackson Hall
12 February 10:00AM
To 12 February 12:30PM

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