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Find A Group - Coffin Club UK

Coffin Club UK
56 Pevensey Road
Post Code
TN38 0LS
The idea behind Coffin Club is to get people talking and planning, around a difficult subject, to prevent them ending up, at a point of bereavement, being offered an inflexible package, which may include things that they don’t even want or need, and not being at a point, emotionally, where they are able to ask questions or think creatively. Funeral poverty is becoming a bigger and bigger problem in the UK with many families going into debt in order to cover the cost of a loved-one’s funeral. It doesn’t need to be like that and Coffin Club aims to make people aware of all the choices available to them and enable them to make them ahead of time. . Ultimately, we’d love to have Coffin Club in every town and for talking about death to be a normal part of life. Our Coffin Clubbers are amazed by how much they didn’t know about their end of life celebration choices, because no one ever talks about it. Although the coffin-decorating aspect is optional, it is another amazing part of Coffin Club as so many conversations carry on whilst our Clubbers get on with their decorating, relationships are forged and feelings shared. Welcome aboard the funeral revolution!

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