Brownbread Horse Rescue
Registered Charity 1029341, run by volunteers, is principally concerned with the prevention of equine abuse and neglect working closely with the RSPCA and police. The 50-acre sanctuary may take in emergency cases where the animal receives 24-hour specialist care and rehabilitation. Funds are raised by donations of horse-tack, any riding gear, hay, straw, Gift-Aid, feedstuffs, legacies and hundreds of our supporters that regularly send money to suppoort our challenging work. We welcome volunteers over 18 years otherwise must be accompanied by a responsible adult and help is also needed with office work. Trustee, Tony Smith, is available to provide a PowerPoint presentation about the work of the charity as well as other talks; 01424 893922. The fine venue is also available for camping, wedding receptions, birthday parties or corporate activities such as classic car rallies, archery, clay pigeon shooting, etc. Visitors welcome by arrangement.