We had a fantastically colourful Age Friendly Diwali celebration at Central Hall, yesterday. We had a completely full house, with guests from a whole host of backgrounds sharing friendship, laughter, food and culture. We had a talk about puja (a worship ritual), and a blessing before sitting down for an amazing feast.
The event was co-hosted by HVA and St Michael's Hospice, but the real stars were the event planning committee (some of whom are in the photo) who planned the event to perfection, signed off the decoration, provided the food, invited their friends and neighbours, and made it the joyful triumph that it was. It was a true community collaboration, and we absolutely couldn't have done it without them.
We're already excited about the next couple of Age Friendly events we have planned. First up is a seasonal get-together on 10th December, followed by our second 'Unity in the Community' event on 30th January 2025. If you'd like to be involved with either event, please get in touch with [email protected].