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National Social Prescribing Day - 19th March

Over the last few years HVA’s involvement in social prescribing has grown significantly with a strategic focus on embedding community social prescribing in the work we have undertaken around Age Friendly Communities, responding to feedback from members of our elderly community on where they might need additional support with pieces of work like Form Filling Friday, the development of the Hastings Ageing Network, our Age Friendly Ambassadors and the Age Friendly Cultural Involvement group, the pilot work we have recently completed with NASP, and more recently Eat Well Age Well a social prescribing food resilience initiative for older people. 
HVA have worked with social prescribers, older members of our community and front line organisations such as the East Sussex Tackling Loneliness programme to better understand the challenges involved in this work and to strengthen relationships between the PCN, Voluntary Sector and commissioned social prescribing services through Connecting the Connectors  - a peer learning and networking opportunity aimed at creating better understanding of individual roles, creating collaborative working and sharing learning.
On National Social Prescribing day we celebrate all of the fantastic projects and activities happening across Hastings to support older people to age well and to remain independent and in good health.
For more information on HVA’s work with older people and to see our latest Age Friendly newsletter go to or contact [email protected].uk

To download the learning report from the recent Hastings Social Prescribing pilot with NASP and Independent Age, please click the link below.

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