HVA’s Trustees, staff and volunteers would like to wish our members, supporters, funders and partners all the best for a successful 2025. At HVA we will be using the next year to continue to develop and strengthen the services we offer and build on the achievement of our Local Infrastructure Quality Mark.
As a member led organisation, we work to ensure that local voluntary organisations, community groups and social enterprises are able to access support, training and advice to help them develop and enhance their work. Our successful AGM showed yet again how HVA remains a relevant and valued organisation and we believe that comes about because of our relationship with our members and partners. We want the sector to have a strong and strategic voice and we encourage participation in the work of Hastings Community Network and its events and networking opportunities to ensure that we are hearing and acting on the views and experiences of our members.
A new Government, a new policy framework, changes to health and social care structures and continuing financial pressures create a complex operating environment for all local organisations. Daunting though this may appear, it is vital that we don’t lose sight of what is important to us and continue to create our own agenda, and keep building on the strengths of the sector as we continue to offer services, opportunities and support in Hastings during the coming year.