Having had sight of the papers for the forthcoming Charity Committee meeting of the Foreshore Trust, HVA has concerns about the lack of progress and shape of the proposed Foreshore Trust Large Grants scheme. We have made representations to the Chair of the Foreshore Trust Charity Committee Cllr Tony Collins and the Leader of the Council Cllr Julia Hilton, asking for a retention of investment for vulnerable local residents, delivered by local charities. Please see full letter below.
We are reassured to have received a reply from the Chair of the Charity Committee, that our proposals will be considered at their forthcoming meeting. We will be in attendance at the meeting on Monday and we will continue to press for the Foreshore Trust to invest all of the money budgeted to meet the needs of local residents, while the Foreshore Trust forms longer term plans.
Full details about the forthcoming meeting are available here: Modern Gov