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Community Nature Connections

HVA, in partnership with Public Health East Sussex, is pleased to announce a new project designed to improve access to nature for health and wellbeing, and to develop the capacity of local organisations or individuals to create or manage our greenspaces. 

The project will build on the insight from a recent 6-month peer-learning initiative and a series of earlier community-led conversations focusing on how we can work better together to create a healthier, greener, more sustainable and biodiverse town in Hastings. 

Genuinely led by community goals and plans the project will maximise opportunities for engagement and involvement, it will amplify voices of groups experiencing barriers to accessing greenspaces; and will create collaborative relationships that build on community strengths and local leadership. 

Project staff can support organisations that are maintaining public greenspaces with capacity building, shared learning activities, volunteering, and the opportunity to apply for small grants. 

For more information, please contact Lucy Abbott or Su Barnicoat at HVA: 

[email protected]

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