Feb 1, 2023

Mr Hastings and St Leonards is hosted by Hastings Voluntary Action, funded by East Sussex County Council and led by local men.
Research shows that life expectancy for men in Hastings and St Leonards is significantly lower than the national average. There have been many great initiatives across the borough that have made a real difference to individual men’s health and wellbeing. However, this hasn’t changed the bigger picture around men’s life expectancy locally.
This project is based on the belief that men in Hastings and St Leonards will live happier, healthier, and longer lives if they are at the heart of decision making and live in strong, supportive, and well-connected communities, where they can fulfill their potential. This project is reflecting this belief by supporting men to talk about what matters for them.
Whats Happening Locally for Men
- Find out what's going on with the Mr Hastings and St Leonards project: Mr Hastings and St Leonards Padlet
- Find Mens groups locally: Local men's Groups
- Local Support: Local Support
Latest News From Men's Room (Mr) Hastings and St leonards
Mr Hastings and St Leonards has attended a series of workshops with local artist Peter Quinell to create a life size merman and float for the Walking The Fish Parade.
Look out for the 'Mr Hastings and St Leonards Merman' as he will be out and about at local events including Hastings Old Town Carnival and Hastings Pride.
Pop by and say hello and ' Join The Conversation' with us.
Local News Coverage April 2024
Travis from Mr Hastings and St Leonards had a chat with BBC News, speaking about the Men Don't Talk ? film and the importance of open honest conversation.
Travis said ''It is important that we all take time to join this important conversation about Men's Mental Health the more open we are, the more we can grow ''
Have a look the BBC south East interview below :
You can Now Watch the 'Men Don't Talk ?' Film online here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlplaN9z0zE
Recently Mr Hastings and St Leonards was highlighted in a Local Government Association (LGA) report around Men’s health: The lives of men in our communities. This link takes you to the East Sussex Case Study : East Sussex: Energising local groups and people to address mental health | Local Government Association
Project Identity
Mr Hastings and St Leonards identity, branding and Logo has been co-designed with a local graphic designer and a group of men from Hastings and St Leonards.
Look out for this branding in your communities and see what Mr Hastings and St Leonards is up to locally.
Join The Conversation
Check out the Mr Hastings and St Leonards Linktree page to find links to Facebook, Podcasts, and other ways to get involved: https://linktr.ee/mrhsl
Mr Hastings and St Leonards Learning Event 2024
Following the success of last years events we are delighted to invite you to join us again on Wednesday October 23rd at Muriel Matters House (1.30 pm - 4.30 pm).
Please come along and join the conversation around mens health and well-being.
Share your views and experiences.
Learn more about Mr Hastings and St Leonards and the movements journey to date.
Hear about the inspirational activities being led by local men in the community, the collaborations that are being developed, and the movements plans for the future.
Meet our learning partners 'Apteligen' who are helping us share the impact and learning from this exciting movement.
Watch the 'Men Don't Talk?' film made by men from the Mr Hastings and St Leonards.
Booking is now live on the HVA website events page. Follow this link to reserve your place. https://hastingsvoluntaryaction.org.uk/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=537
Join the Hastings and St Leonards Men’s Health and Wellbeing Forum
If you already work with men in Hastings and St Leonards, or would like to in the future, this is an opportunity to meet, share ideas, experiences, plan and connect. Meeting dates and registration will be shared on the HVA events page and news feed. Contact the Project Team (Jacy or Teresa) to find out more.
We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the project so far, sharing your views and experiences, getting involved and sharing your passion and enthusiasm for the future of mens health and well-being in Hastings and St Leonards.
Peer Researchers :
Are you interested in becoming a Mr Hastings and St Leonards Peer Researcher? You would be talking with men in your local community using your own experience and skills to enable these conversations to happen. We will provide training, equipment and a small financial gift.
Please contact John for more information. Email: [email protected] or call on 07789 896022
Keeping up to date:
- Read recent reports produced by the project team by clicking on the links at the bottom of this page.
Share your contact details to let us know that you would like to get involved in the project here: Contact Details
Look out for new events, training and opportunities on the HVA events page or in the HVA e-bulletin.
The Project Team
Teresa Flower, Project Manager (HVA)
Email: [email protected] Tel: 07531 827784
Jacy Kilvert, Community Development Worker (HVA)
Email: [email protected] Tel: 07513 827779
Working alongside local men and members of the local community.