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Healthwatch Cost-of-Living Survey

Healthwatch East Sussex are the local independent watchdog for health and care.

Please complete their short survey so they can understand how cost-of-living changes are affecting local people, especially their health and wellbeing.

They want to hear about: 

· effects on your day-to-day life 

· changes in your behaviour or choices 

· impacts on your use of health and care services

Their goal is to help decision-makers understand the impact on people's physical and mental health so that services best meet their needs.


Complete their short survey

Please spend 10 minutes to complete their survey so they can hear how things are for you:


Feedback and further support

If you require support or can offer feedback on any other health or care service that you have used, please contact Healthwatch:

Healthwatch East Sussex

Tel: 0333 101 4007

Email: [email protected] 

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