Shortly before Christmas, The Links Project was delighted to receive a generous donation of £500 from Louise Carlyle, partner of the late Jeremy Birch, former leader of Hastings Borough Council. The money was raised from sales of a book titled 'Remembering Jeremy', which celebrates Jeremy's life and his huge contribution to the town. Donations were also made to the Refugee Buddy Project and Hastings Community of Sanctuary, reflecting Jeremy's unwavering commitment to the people of Hastings and all those who arrived here seeking refuge.
Marc Turczanski, Project Co-ordinator said:
"We're incredibly grateful for Louise's kind donation, which will help us to continue to provide access to support and advice for asylum seekers, refugees and migrant communities in Hastings at a time when it has never been needed more. Jeremy is still hugely missed, especially by those of us working with people navigating the asylum process. Migration remains such a divisive and complex issue, but Jeremy was always very clear in his thinking and in his support for those choosing to settle in the UK."
Find out more about the Links Project: https://hastingsvoluntaryaction.org.uk/project/links-project
The Refugee Buddy Project here: https://www.therefugeebuddyproject.org/
Hastings Community of Sanctuary: https://hastings.cityofsanctuary.org/
Image courtesy of The Refugee Buddy Project