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The Hastings Food Network

**Hastings Food Network Winter Food Access Sheet 2024 - updated 19/12/24**

Food Network News

Following additional funding from Public Health 2024 will see our work continue identifying priorities for our town in the form of a Food Action Plan developed in consultation with our network members including food related organisations, businesses, individuals and community partners whose common goal is to find ways to reduce long term food insecurity in Hastings and St Leonards.

The Network is facilitated by Hastings Voluntary Action and meets monthly in person.

Hastings Food Network aims -

  1. To celebrate, support and promote local community food projects.
  2. To create a strong local food network
  3. To develop examples of best practice
  4. To see food as a multi-faceted tool for education, health improvement and encouraging connection
  5. To influence local, county-wide and national food policy and decisions

We are part of the Good Food East Sussex collaborative working with Food Matters, Public Health, East Sussex County Council and the other East Sussex food partnerships to build a food system for our people, our economy and our environment. To follow this work and receive newsletters go to 

Nationally we are partners of Feeding Britain 

If you are interested in finding out more about the Hastings Food network, joining us or working with us then see our information sheet attached below or contact [email protected] 

For further project updates and opportunities please follow us at

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