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Could you be an HVA trustee?

We are looking for people - especially representatives of Hastings charities, community groups and social enterprises - to govern and steer Hastings Voluntary Action and help it to provide better services for the local community?

The commitment is 6 meetings a year, which currently take place on Wednesday mornings from 10am to 12noon. We will organise an induction session for newly elected trustees. In addition trustees could be invited to join working groups which reflect their particular area of skill or interest. HVA can reimburse any out of pocket expenses.

If you can bring dynamic management, HR, fundraising, marketing, or networking skills into the mix, we would really like to hear from you!

HVA’s current board comprises the following (as of December 2023):

Our rules allow for up to ten trustees to be elected that represent our member organisations, and then up to three independent people. HVA is now seeking nominations to fill these positions.

To nominate yourself or someone else for HVA's trustee board, please complete the nomination form below and return it to HVA by email or post.

[Photograph of HVA trustees and staff in 2019, before the covid pandemic]

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