We are providing an update after every HCN Executive meeting to give a flavour of the type of issues we are discussing and the work we are doing. This month our discussion focused on:-
HCN Event: We undertook the final preparations for the HCN event which focused on a framework for supporting VCSE staff and sharing good practice for promoting wellbeing. Thank you to those who attended the event and you will, see the usual report here shortly.
Levelling Up: The Government have now announced that the Levelling Up allocation for Hastings will be continuing and HCN Executive members have attended a Town Board meeting to hear more about this. We are approaching HBC about securing some longer term resource for HCN to continue to contribute VCSE views into this process.
East Sussex Budget Consultation: HCN Exec members focused at our last meeting on framing a response to the ESCC Budget Consultation process. We discussed the implications for the sector and a formal joint HVA/HCNE response was prepared and submitted. You can read our submission here:- https://hastingsvoluntaryaction.org.uk/news/joint-response-hva-and-hcn-executive-escc-budget-consultation
- Does your group work with parents or support carers in Hastings? interested in networking? https://t.co/Wj9mf2sMCm — 7 years 5 months ago
- #EastSussexCC have lauched recruitment for for reps on new H&W Stakeholder Group. Interested? https://t.co/h5kteprWoI — 7 years 6 months ago
- @HealthwatchES Hastings Listening Tour begins again Monday 9th Oct till 27th Oct. https://t.co/MhTAlBExSa — 7 years 6 months ago