The HCN Executive group took part in the consultation for the Compact review.
We reflected on the successful Wellbeing at Work Support for Staff event; the report from the vent can be found by following this link: HCN Wellbeing at Work Event | Hastings Voluntary Action and we considered access to counselling for staff.
The HCN Executive group welcomed the changes to the Large Grant Scheme which has meant that funding has been kept in existing areas and key services would be eligible for funding over the next two years.
Over the last period the Government launched the Civil Society Covenant which can be viewed here by following this link: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/civil-society-covenant-framework-launch It sets out the principles on which the relationship between Government and the VCSE sector will be based. Tracey Rose (HCNE Chair) and Steve Manwaring (HVA) attended a session to give the views of the NCVO; a copy of the report can be found below.
The HCNE members would like to invite everyone to their next HCN Network event which will be an Open Mic & Marketplace at Central Hall on 4th March 2024.
- Does your group work with parents or support carers in Hastings? interested in networking? https://t.co/Wj9mf2sMCm — 7 years 5 months ago
- #EastSussexCC have lauched recruitment for for reps on new H&W Stakeholder Group. Interested? https://t.co/h5kteprWoI — 7 years 5 months ago
- @HealthwatchES Hastings Listening Tour begins again Monday 9th Oct till 27th Oct. https://t.co/MhTAlBExSa — 7 years 5 months ago